Jon Spencer – NEW Interviews!

Jon Spencer NEW interviews:

“local shows, local bands… really turned on the lightbulb above my head – “Oh this is available to anyone, maybe I could do this.””


Jim Sclavunos on Soho Radio.

Stream Here (interview starts at 11m 30s into the show):

“Jon Spencer is back with his new band, The HITmakers.

The new album is called Spencer Gets It Lit and it was just unleashed on Friday. The 13th Floor’s Marty Duda found Jon Spencer sitting in his car in New York City on release day no doubt looking suspicious to anyone passing by.

Fans of Jon’s previous bands…Pussy Galore, Boss Hog and The Jon Spencer Blues Explosion will be relieved to know that Mr. Spencer has not mellowed with age. So, listen and/or read along as Jon Spencer Gets It Lit on The 13th Floor.”

Stream Full Interview / Read Transcription Here:

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