Hardcore Architechture: Pussy Galore

http://hardcorearchitecture.tumblr.com/post/118705623005/pussy-galore-the-address-given-for-their-exileHardcore Architecture have posted an image of the address given for the Pussy Galore album Exile on Main Street from MAXIMUM ROCKNROLL, issue no. 47, April, 1987.

Link: http://hardcorearchitecture.tumblr.com/post/118705623005/pussy-galore-the-address-given-for-their-exile

“Hardcore Architecture explores the relationship between the architecture of living spaces and the history of underground American hardcore bands in the 1980s. Band addresses are discovered using contact listings found in demo tape and record reviews published from 1982-89 in the fanzine MAXIMUM ROCKNROLL (MRR).”

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