Heavy Trash – 100 Club, London, UK (24 January 2008)

Heavy Trash show at the 100 Club, London, UK on 24 January 2008 with The Sadies and (DJ) PJ (Dirty Water Club).

Heavy Trash line-up:

Jon Spencer
Matt Verta-Ray
Dallas Good
Travis Good
Sean Dean
Mike Belitsky

“Ghosts of Bo Diddley and Roy Orbison’s melodies coming out the wonderful Verta-Ray vintage Gibson guitar filled the venue, with Jon Spencer on the counterpart to design angular rhythms and harmonies disbanding them. I love when music builds on one side and tear down on the other, it creates the imperfect balance that rock needs to avoid being redundant.” – Valerio Berdini (liveon35mm.wordpress.com)

Live Photos: Valerio Berdini (liveon35mm.wordpress.com/2008/02/02/heavy-trash/)
Poster Design: Scarlett Rickard was available in A3 and A2 size.