Heavy Trash show at the 100 Club, London, UK on 24 January 2008 with The Sadies and (DJ) PJ (Dirty Water Club).
Heavy Trash line-up:
Jon Spencer
Matt Verta-Ray
Dallas Good
Travis Good
Sean Dean
Mike Belitsky
“Ghosts of Bo Diddley and Roy Orbison’s melodies coming out the wonderful Verta-Ray vintage Gibson guitar filled the venue, with Jon Spencer on the counterpart to design angular rhythms and harmonies disbanding them. I love when music builds on one side and tear down on the other, it creates the imperfect balance that rock needs to avoid being redundant.” – Valerio Berdini (liveon35mm.wordpress.com)
Live Photos: Valerio Berdini (liveon35mm.wordpress.com/2008/02/02/heavy-trash/)
Poster Design: Scarlett Rickard was available in A3 and A2 size.