North Mississippi Allstars / Spencer Dickinson – 4 Song College EP [Promo] (CD, US)

2001 Tone-Cool Records 0808dyhttow
01. North Mississippi Allstars – Sugar Town
02. North Mississippi Allstars [Spencer Dickinson] – Crying
03. North Mississippi Allstars – Smiling Assassin
04. North Mississippi Allstars – Waiting on My Wings
North Mississippi Allstars / Spencer Dickinson - 4 Song College EP [Promo] (CD, US)  - Cover
North Mississippi Allstars promotional EP including the track Cryin’ from the self-titled Spencer Dickinson album originally released on CD in Japan in 2001 and reissued in 2006 on vinyl and an expanded version of the album was released on CD as The Man Who Lives For Love.
01.North Mississippi Allstars – Sugar Town
Writers: North Mississippi Allstars
Published: North Mississippi Allstars, BMI
from the album 51 Phantom
Run Time: 3:47

02. North Mississippi Allstars [Spencer Dickinson] – Crying
[Credits from Spencer Dickinson (CD, JAPAN)]
Writers: Spencer/Dickinson/Dickinson
© 2000 Spencer/Dickinson/Dickinson
Published: Patrica Ann Music, BMI/North Mississippi Music Co, Admin by Funzalo Music Ltd, BMI
Drums/Washboard/Guitar/Bass: Cody Dickinson
Guitar/Bass/Vocals/Mandolin: Luther Dickinson
Vocals/Guitar/Bass/Stylophone/Percussion/Piano/Organ: Jon Spencer
Harmonica: Jerry Teel
Produced: Jim Dickinson and Jon Spencer
Recorded:Kevin Houston at the Zebra Ranch, Coldwater, MS.
Mixed: Fred Kevorkian at Absolute Audio
Run Time: 4:48

03. North Mississippi Allstars – Smiling Assassin (with John Hermann)
Writer: Hermann
Published: Spoiled Rotten Dogs Music, BMI
Run Time: 4:05

04. North Mississippi Allstars – Waiting on My Wings
(‘The Word’ with John Medeski and Robert Randolph)
Writers: Medeski / L. Dickinson
Published: Beatworld Music, BMI / Funfalo Music, BMI
Run Time: 8:18

Special thanks to:
Jon Spencer
ropeadope records and Fat Possum Records

for promotional use only – not for sale

ARTWORK: [unknown]