Heavy Trash show at Les Nuits de l’Alligator, L’autre Canal, 45 bd d’austrasie, 54000 Nancy, France with Sarah McCoy and Duck Duck Grey Duck on 19 February 2015.
Duck Duck Grey Duck features Robin Girod of Mama Rosin who recorded their album Bye Bye Bayou at NY Hed with Matt Verta-Ray and Jon Spencer.
Les Nuits de l’Alligator: http://www.nuitsdelalligator.com/ /
https://www.facebook.com/nuitsdelalligator / https://twitter.com/NuitsAlligator
Venue: http://www.lautrecanalnancy.fr/
Duck Duck Grey Duck:
Heavy Trash – 10th Anniversary Tour 2015 poster (below):
First sold on tour dates 17 February 2015 – 1 March 2015 (France / Switzerland).
Design: Polkka Jam (http://www.polkkajam.com/)