The Jon Spencer Blues Explosion – Singlecut Brewery, Queens, New York (28 March 2015)

The Jon Spencer Blues Explosion - Singlecut Brewery, Queens, New York (28 March 2015) The Jon Spencer Blues Explosion show at Singlecut Brewery, Queens, New York on 28 March 2015.

Free show.

“For the 75 minutes they were on stage, Spencer would climb over the barricades, climb across anything he could and play in the audience. He would wave a giant American flag they had hung over their stage area, but with all of his antics, the trio’s tight and perfect blend of garage rock and blues had everyone in awe.” –

Live Photo: Brian Heater (

Freedom to wear white shoes any day of the year
Freedom to make any kind fashion faux pas that you want to

Audience-shot video from the end of The Jon Spencer Blues Explosion at Singlecut Brewery, Queens, New York on 28 March 2015.



The Jon Spencer Blues Explosion - The Five Borough Freedom Tour