Rockdelux: Grand Royal: A Sampling – Where You’re Going… [Review] (PRESS, SPAIN) SCAN |
1998.05.00 | |
VOX: Butter [Review] (PRESS, UK) SCAN / TEXT: “Butter is a baffling scree of lounge hip-hop, nuclear age TV themes, punk attitude and filthy rock ‘n’ roll, One minute they’re barreling through the crazed spy-theme samba of ‘Dick-Serious’ (complete with Dragnet-style sample)” |
1998.01.00 | |
Select: Butter [Review] (PRESS, UK) TEXT (Very Short Mention): “What It Sounds Like: Incredibly bass-heavy ur-rock with all the weight of the funk, but none of the sex.” |
1997.12.00 | |
The Ubyssey: The Starfish Room, Vancouver, BC [Review] SCAN |
1996.09.14 | |
Butter 08: