Pussy Galore – Asylum, New York City, US (26 July 1987)

Pussy Galore show at Asylum, 647 East 9th Street, New York, NY 10009, US with Black Snakes on 26 July 1987.

Pussy Galore billed as “Groovy Hate F.K Special Guest Band”.

nb. This was the FIRST SHOW with Kurt Wolf.

Photo on Flyer: Audrey Rose by Richard Kern

Pussy Galore and Black Snakes released a split single in Japan.

Pussy Galore line-up:

Jon Spencer
Julia Cafrtiz
Bob Bert
Kurt Wolf


NYC: 1999!
Pig Sweat
Get Out
Hell Spawn
Spin Out
Nothing Can Bring Me Down
Kill Yourself


No Count

“On this day in 1987, Pussy Galore played this crazy show with the Black Snakes in the East Village! Carlo McCormick was working the door and giving out acid 🍭 there were crazy films of god knows what playing behind us. Between Ave B & C was still pretty scary in 1987.” – Bob Bert

“i was there, i was lit. my best memory is of everyone single filing out, every few seconds the line would stop and you’d hear a gasp, or someone saying ” oh fuck!” or “oh shit!”

got to the front of the line and realized there was A FUCKING MIRROR AND WE WERE ALL GETTING A LOOK AT OURSELVES LOLOLOL”

second best memory is of Julie Cafritz taking great delight in describing some horrible surgical procedure to our ball tripping group.

i finally couldn’t take it anymore and hurled my bottle of fluorescent green gatorade at a brick wall and we all watched in silence as it dribbled down into the filthy gutter.

honestly, that show was fucking amazing and we all felt like we were in hell.
good times.” – Sally Barry