Pussy Galore – Raji’s, Los Angeles, CA, US (27 October 1988)

Pussy Galore - Raji's, Los Angeles, CA, US (27 October 1988)Pussy Galore show at Raji’s, Hollywood, Los Angeles, CA, US with Tad on 27 October 1988.

Notes on the top photo: “This was my absolute best attempt to get the ENTIRE band in one shot. I went the the back/middle right side if the club and stood on a chair. Then I had to angle my camera as I was shooting w/ a 28mm lens back then. Now I shoot w/ a 20mm, of course.” – Krk Dominguez

Three songs from the bootleg 7″ single Love You Live was recorded at this show.

Live Photos (PG) / Coasters: Krk Dominguez (http://www.krkdominguez.com/ / https://www.instagram.com/krk_dominguez/)
Live Photo (Tad): Bob Bert (https://www.instagram.com/therealbobbert/)